In below video, we show how Shakefree AI helps video editors by doing some of the grunt work. Try the AI for free:
Wobble is an AI Company / Tribe of Artists. We save editors time in 2 ways: 1 – tips & tutorials 2 – AI plugins that automate editing task.
Shakefree is our first AI plugin. It automates the MOST TEDIOUS edit task of all: deleting ugly shake from footage. You know, the little wobbles at the start and stop of your shots, or the big wobbles when you reposition to get a better angle. Why not have the computer do these edits for you overnight? So when you start editing, you can flow much better between shots.
Shakefree is tuned to remove severe shake from your footage, so that when you started editing, all the raw footage is usable.
Click here to learn more by visiting the Shakefree page.

Meet your new assistant editor Shakefree – the AI plugin that edits while you shoot
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