If you edit video a lot, you know it is fun and creative. But it can also be tedious and complicated.
Shakefree is designed to:
- Delete shake from raw footage so you can review only the stable parts.
- Reduce ‘mental wear & tear’ of video editing, because your brain processes fewer video frames.
- Increase your revenue if you edit professionally, because you can get more done in less time.
- Increase your accuracy, because you may miss a shake. Shakefree maintains the same levels of accuracy all the time.
Even if you shoot very stable…
Shakefree can still help you. Think of the economics:
If Shakefree saves you just 15 minutes per day editing – 3% of 8 hr day – and you make $20 per hour, it will earn you $5 per day in saved time. In 3 months it will be paid off. After that, all time savings are pure profit.
If you have a team of shooters, some more stable than others, your profits will be even greater.
If you believe time is more valuable than money, and you edit a lot, than Shakefree can give you real value: more time.